Friday, September 7, 2012

DIY: make sure you wear flowers in your hair

I believe in the saying that fashion is from head to toe. So why not find a cool way to add a unique and fun twist to your outfit. I'm going to show you how to make a floral crown with these simple steps. This project costs about $15 and the great thing about it is you can make more than one crown out of the supplies that you will have to purchase to make your floral crown. Floral crowns are great for special occasions, parties, or even just to make you feel pretty and spice up your style!

Here's what you'll need, everything here you can find at your local craft store. I suggest when picking out your silk flowers that you stick to neutral colors to make your headpiece look more realistic.

Step 1: take your wire and create a circle that fits comfortably around your head so that you're able to take it off and on. When fitting the wire around your head make sure its slightly roomy, the more wire and tape you wrap around the tighter it will become around your head. I doubled the amount wire to make sure my headpiece is extra sturdy.

Step 2: cut your flower(s) and place in the desired direction of your crown. Using your wire, wrap tightly around your crown with pliers. I suggest you cut an assortment of your flowers and place them where you want them to go before you wrap them around your wire. 

Step 3: take your floral tape and wrap it around the exposed wire. The floral tape is slightly sticky so it will hold to your wire, make sure to wrap it a few extra times when wrapping the beginning and end of the wire. 

Step 4: make sure all your exposed wire is covered and held on tight. Also, I suggest super gluing the ends of the floral tape so it doesn't come undone. Then that's it! Time wise it took about 2-3 hours to make a floral crown. I found it easier to use my fingers to wrap the wire than the pliers. This project is all about having fun and being creative! Look out for floral crowns to become a big trend this fall and spring 2013. If you do decide to make one, please share pictures of your floral crowns!


  1. Cute!

    You're such a flower child!

  2. Love this diy, and such a lovely idea for a hairpiece.


  3. This is such a good step by step, it looks so lovely!
